Our review paper on 3D breast tumor models and the role of cancer-associated fibroblasts in promoting pro-metastatic functions of cancer cells is now published in Experimental Biology and Medicine. DOI: […]
PhD qualifying exam
Pouria and Jacob successfully passed their PhD qualifying exams. Well done and congratulations to you both!
Graduate Excellence and Leadership Award for Sunil
Sunil won the Graduate Excellence and Leadership Award from the 2020 LIFE Awards at UAkron. This award recognizes his outstanding research productivity, leadership role in outreach programs that our lab […]
Sunil’s Proposal
Sunil successfully WebEx-defended his PhD proposal and candidacy. Congrats!
Paper on a new breast tumor model
Sunil’s paper on organotypic modeling of breast tumors is published in Biomaterials (DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.119853)! This paper presents developing and characterizing the model and demonstrates the potential of targeting tumor-stromal signaling […]
Best Poster Award
Sunil won one of the three best poster awards in the 2020 international conference of Society for Lab Automation and Screening (SLAS) in San Diego. Well done!
Congrats to Pradip
Pradip is formally Dr. Shahi Thakuri! We are proud of you and your achievements and wish you a successful postdoc in AstraZeneca.
NCI PIs’ meeting
Dr. Tavana will attend and present on the 3D tumor modeling project in the 2019 NCI/IMAT PIs’ meeting in Los Angeles Nov 22-23.
Travel Award!
Sunil won a travel award to the 2020 Society for Lab Automation and Screening conference (www.slas2020.org), congratulations!
BMES 2019
Had a great BMES meeting with four presentations and catching up with colleagues and friends!